To be this mystery
April 9, 2017A bottomless abundance
July 16, 2017Many people would like to find inner peace. Finding inner peace is very valuable. That is why we share with you this guided meditation. This meditation for inner peace took place in Oberstaufen during the retreat Yoga of Silence. Additionally, the meditation was broadcast live on the Facebook page. You can see the recording of this video here and experience again what the participants and viewers experienced at that time. You don’t need to ask here, “What does peace mean?” No, thoughts are not important here – you will experience inner peace – do you feel like it?
Guided meditation for world peace (guided meditation).
Because there were international viewers at the Meditation for Inner Peace at that time, Madhukar spoke in English. If you don’t speak English very well, I have translated his words into German for you.
Procedure of the meditation for inner peace
Madhukar first greets you and says a few words about the place he is streaming from. From there he guides you to inner peace. He speaks a few words again and again, followed more and more by silent sequences. Immerse yourself here.
Let there be peace. Let there be peace.
In this silence nothing happens. Try it out – sit down, close your eyes and experience the meditation that can reveal inner peace in you as well.
Dive into meditation for inner peace and world peace
Are you ready? Do you have an hour in which you can be undisturbed? Are you sitting comfortably and upright? Then let’s get started…
Script of the meditation for inner peace and world peace
Welcome to all viewers who are participating in this guided online meditation today. First I like to explain to you, where we are here. I’m sitting on this divan in southern Germany in a retreat which is called Yoga der Stille or Yoga of Silence. We are here just at the edge of the mighty European Alps in a very, very lovely landscape which is called Allgäu. And it looks like the name sounds All from all and gäu from countryside with its dark forests and lovely meadows. A very unique particular shape of hills which is a result of the last ice time when 20,000 years ago here the ice was 1000 meters thick above us and was carving this landscape and molded beautiful forms which are perceived very lovely. Yesterday snow came in, so it is also white outside and you get again reminded of the pureness of nature.
And if you look in the distance, we can see beautiful mountains, mountain formations now also covered in snow. But now in this meditation, we want to go together first into our inner landscape.
We are here a group of people, many of my devotees and students are together with me in this room. And I know we are connected to you out there in the world and can become aware that we are not separate from each other. Nobody is lonely because we are all connected. And I know from the last time when I was streaming and I looked on the screen and I saw that people connected from Sweden and from Moscow and from Siberia like Novosibirsk and Tomsk and people from China. And in Hong Kong and people in the United States and certainly also in Hungary and the neighboring European countries here, of course, and in India, where we just have been.
So there’s many, many people connected now and we sit together in peace. So we could say peace is either our understanding, our realisation as our natural state and also of our beingness, or we concentrate now on peace. Because actually the word meditation originally means concentration. It’s a Sanskrit word, Dyan or Dyana means actually not meditation, it simply means concentration. So in the classical meditation, there’s always an aim of meditation where we concentrate on there could be now peace, inner peace, world peace, send out also loving peace energies to the areas which you know, which are under heavy conflict right now.
You could also see like in Syria, for example, and many, many other countries, Afghanistan, Pakistan, many countries that has big trouble, trouble, war, torture, rape, killing and so on.
So by being in this peace, send love and peace into these areas, very good for us when we feel that somehow we are not totally relaxed out of some physical condition or some mental state or emotional involvement, and we can realise that our breath somehow is restricted, that we’re not really freely breathing into the belly. So we can do that consciously, just very consciously exhale and inhale deeper into the belly. So this is relaxing our body system and also our nerve system. We are sitting here all together in a sitting position. You at home and of course do as you like, lay or sit.
Maybe you’re driving in the car. Then it’s of course better you not watch the screen but you look on the street but you can hear me maybe. So whatever your position is, how your position is, you just sit relaxed, or lay relaxed, breath into the belly. Also you can choose if you have your eyes open or closed. For some people it’s better to close the eyes to go deeper inside so you are not distracted by the manifestation outside.
So now meditation in our lineage in Madhukhar style, I would say in the lineage of Bhagavan Sri Ramana Mahashi and my Guru Papaji, meditation is not a classical meditation of concentration. No, we are this beingness in which any kind of activity takes place. We are this present in which breath takes place. We are this presence in which thought takes place.
We are this presence in which any kind of sensual experience takes place. Sensual experience would be you feel the chair with your skin.
You can hear your breath. You smell the fragrance of the nature of your room.
You can see either with open eyes. You see objects outside. Even with closed eyes you also might see thoughts, your dreams, memory and so on. But from all this somehow you retreat and become aware of this presence, of this presence and this presence we could call I, because it is me, it is you, each one of you who is present, who is aware.
So you become aware of this awareness which is here, which is now. When we see thoughts, thoughts are not now. Thoughts are from the past, might be projected in the future but they are always past. It’s not nowness. And now we are nowness for whatever happens from a sensual experience, manifestation or mental thought or emotional feeling or also physical feelings.
In the moment we let them be as they are. We don’t touch them, we don’t stick to them. They might come up and they might go, but in the moment we stick. I would say this presence we are present.
This is very easy.
So in this presence there is no expectancy of anything which should happen. So no, not even a wish for something beautiful should manifest like light or certain elevation, whatever, just presence is here. No expectancy. No expectancy about enlightenment also, presence, because in this presence, in this silence truth will reveal, the self reveals itself.
You might perceive some lightness, before you were maybe a bit agitated or troubled.
And now we are more relaxed because we breathe, relax. And also we are in the presence, untouched by anything.
And also because our orientation is not anymore on our life circumstance or our hopes and wishes and not the past, our memories therefore this limited person is transcended and here is a greater now a greater, expands some unlimited reality.
I am bigger, I could say I am huge. I am unlimited. You also might become aware of power, of a tremendous power. Why? Because now the attention is not anymore on mental manifestations, on your thoughts.
No visualization, no sensual attachments here. Therefore, this presence is in his originality power, life force. Something very mysterious.
Also a huge wave of love, love, love, loving energy might be here.
Thankfulness might be here.
Grace might be here.
But even this we could say positive gifts, positive manifestations, also, we don’t stick to. We stay firm in this presence.
Now when you have transcended everything, nothing needs to be done.
But there might be still perception of I because there’s no difference between this presence, this consciousness that is-ness and I, it’s me.
So now one is advised as the most direct mean, the most direct method to pramavidia, to direct enlightenment to apply atma vichara, self inquiry by reflecting, by asking: “Who am I?”
You may ask this in your own language: “Who am I?” Whatever is your native language, you might apply, the question is consciousness itself, you are attentive, wherein does the I arise? Whence does the I arise?
Some background must be here. When there is a thought arising, there must be a background in which thought arises.
So where does it arise?
Relaxed belly breathing, conscious belly breathing.
No name, no word fits to this presence which is here and now, I can call it heart, I can call it peace, I can call it God, I can call it love.
Whatever, presence is here and there’s no inch between this presence and me and also no time gap between this nownness, this presence and I am this.
This is the true I, this is the real I, the Self.
And this self is always here. So you don’t necessarily need to go in a special form or special place. This is always here, also in your daily life when you study, or you work, or when you drive your car and you do your work at home. When you are with the children, you can always be aware, in a finger snip, be aware, being the self, being divine, being peace.
Because this peace is underlying everything.
Always here, always now, like this you are always connected with me, with Love, with Peace and with All The Others Out There In The world.
Connected as one in one breath, one heart, one single beauty.
What a beauty.
What a grace.
Grace is here.
Grace always
peace, Frieden, Мира.
Let there be peace, let there be peace and love within you and amongst all beings in the universe.
Let it be peace, let it be love, let it be happiness. Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti.
Thank you very much. Thank you very much for joining this guided online meditation and bring together so much love and peace all over the world be well – Hari Om.
The core message of peace meditation?
Peace. Love. Presence. Nowness. I am. The Self.
And now you – I’m totally curious now: how was your experience meditating for inner peace? Write it to me in the comments.
1 Comment
After watching this I am much more at ease. Much more relaxed. Thank you for sharing this.