
Guidance towards inner peace

What is Satsang?

Satsang brings you to inner peace. It frees you from worries.

What happens in Satsang?

Satsang is a unique chance to realize peace and happiness as your true nature.

Let's explain: Satsangs are gatherings where busy minds cool down. Through silence, meditation, dialogue, music and dance.

With Madhukar’s presence and guidance you experience a tranquil state of consciousness. That enhances wisdom and nurtures the mind towards inner peace.

People from all over the world and various backgrounds attend. We meditate. We listen and reflect. We dance. We laugh. We might chant mantras. The healthy effect of meditation and chanting is proven by now.

Through all this an anxious mind bothering about the past or future is drawn back into the present and experiences a more objective understanding how to enlighten life.

A lighter life. An enlightened life. 

Isn't it much promised - to live an easier or enlightened life through Satsang? You may encounter these doubts and many more. You will find out only when you try it. Up to this point, everything has been said about Satsang that might be interesting. Now there are some answers to questions - but you can skip them if they are not important to you.

Look here directly when is the next opportunity for you to be in Satsang: Click here!

What is the meaning of Satsang?

What does Satsang mean? The word Satsang comes from Sanskrit and is composed of two syllables: sat (highest truth) + sangha (community). We can translate it as "being together in truth" or "being together with truth" or "being together with someone who has realized this highest truth". So we could call satsang being with the guru. A guru is also a consciousness teacher.

Who is the right one to be in Satsang?

If you ask yourself, "How can I become enlightened?" then you are right in satsang. But since there are so many myths around enlightenment & awakening, I don't like to limit it to that at all. Therefore, you are especially right if you want to arrive at this moment, if you just want an easy life.

Satsang Tour 2023

To always know in which cities a retreat or event is taking place, it is best to check the current events page. You can also sign up for the newsletter on the home page - then you will get the news directly in your email inbox. The last two years the dates were not so easy to plan - so it's good to check back every now and then or to enter your email.

You can experience Satsang in a retreat or in an event in a city. These meetings do not only take place in the ashram in India - it can also be in your living room when Madhukar is invited there and this Satsang is then live.

International online meetings via Zoom

Since more than two years there are Satsang with Madhukar not only live, but also online. These online Satsangs take place via Zoom and you can find the dates on the page with the current events.

Satsang on video

If there are no short-term opportunities to meet Madhukar online or offline, or if you are simply impatient, why not watch a Satsang video? You can find them on the Madhukar Enlighten Life channel on YouTube. Of course, these videos are all available for free. Or you can watch our most successful video, the dialogue between Madhukar and his guru HWL Poonja. It is the video in which Madhukar asked his guru very crucial questions.

What kind of music is there in Satsang?

Traditionally, mantras, bhajans or kirtans are played and sung during Satsang. Probably the best known is the Gayatri Mantra - you can even hear Madhukar's voice during this one. And Madhukar is known for his own music compositions - he also plays them in Satsang. Have you ever felt how it feels to be carried by the sounds of music in satsang? I think it's impossible to describe - you have to experience it. It can't be compared to anything.

Satsang and Om

Madhukar usually sounds the Om sound in satsang. It is said that the whole universe is built on this sound. And I have heard Madhukar say that this sound alone can lead to liberation - on a daily basis.

Satsang for free

From time to time Madhukar also shares Satsang for free. How you can find out about it, I'll tell you in this overview. Because there are several ways, either on-site or online, to meet him in Satsang like this.

Quotes from Satsang

We like to call these quotes from Satsang also master words. There are two podcast episodes on this, they are in German. Listen to "From the ear directly into the heart, part 1" and "From the ear directly into the heart, part 2" These words arrive in a different way and penetrate from the ear directly into the heart - that's why the podcast episodes have this title. Quotes or quotations from a Jnani can get under your skin quite a bit - here you will find a small collection of them. You find plenty of quotes from Satsang on the Facebook page. Now there are three quotes each from one of the masters that relate to satang: 

"Existence. In the simple joys of the Here and Now. In the balsam of the heart. In the source of all Being." (Madhukar)

"No teacher, no student, no teaching." (Sri HWL Poonja)

"Silence is more effective than words." (Sri Ramana Maharshi)

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